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Pack 1 $37 | Pack 2  $57

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I'd like to introduce you to
The Yoga Burn Booty Challenge

The Yoga Burn Booty Challenge is a truly progressive and super easy to follow booty shaping, tightening and toning routine designed exclusively for women.

About Us

About Zoe

Who Is Zoe Bray-Cotton?

Zoe Bray-Cotton is an internationally certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and female transformation specialist. Zoe is the creator of international best selling fitness systems for women such as Yoga Burn.

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Here’s How it Works:

P.A.P. is designed to ensure you do the right exercise, in the right order, for the right amount of time, to perfectly target and work all 3 parts of the booty to the max so that you get the best results possible out of every single workout.

By following the breakthrough Prime, Activate and Pump method you can look forward to finally seeing the very best booty-shaping results possible along with the improved health, energy, flexibility and faster metabolism that’s naturally delivered with a professionally designed workout…

And one of the best parts is that you can sculpt an amazing booty and experience all of these benefits without ever worrying about stepping foot into a gym, picking up a weight, or making it to a class on time.

For 12 weeks, you’ll be given 3 unique 15 minute routines to follow right from home or wherever you like - each of which will have a custom layout following this format:


The short bursts of very specific movement patterns in the Pump Phase are designed to elicit the afterburn effect - which essentially helps our bodies burn much more stubborn fat on auto-pilot for many hours, and even days following one, single workout...

How great is that!?

And visually speaking, I like to think of the pump phase as something like a top notch push up bra for the buns...These moves can be so visually effective that even if it’s not a workout day, I still throw them in right before a date night or day at the beach because of how perky they make my booty look, whether it’s in a pair of skinny jeans, my favourite little black dress, or maybe even less ;).

Honestly, I think you’re going to absolutely love the look and feeling you get after completing this phase, and I think you’ll be amazed when you see and feel the full P.A.P affect on your booty immediately following your very first workout.

It can be quite the experience...


Pack 1  $37  | Pack 2  $57

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Sun Life Yoga

                                Always available




Zoe Bray-Cotton

Here’s How it Works:

P.A.P. is designed to ensure you do the right exercise, in the right order, for the right amount of time, to perfectly target and work all 3 parts of the booty to the max so that you get the best results possible out of every single workout.

Amber Robertson


You are in good hands. All yoga classes are taught by Alta, a professional and certified yoga teacher who has practiced yoga for many years.

Kris Fondran

 breakthrough program
that gets you back to the body and
mind you love and need!

If you’ve been looking for a way to lose stubborn pounds and inches…

If you think you’ve tried everything to flatten your tummy, slim your thighs, firm your butt, and tone those jiggly arms…

And if you’ve had it up to here with exhausting, boring exercise that eats up time you don’t have and leaves you sore and achy…

Then I’ve got great news for you.


This program is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for 60 full days from your original purchase. If you're not totally and completely satisfied with this program, your results or your experience in the first 60 days from your purchase simply let us know by calling our toll free number or dropping us an email and we'll give you a full refund within 48 hours (-S&H).

Thanks for submitting!

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